2023/01/27: Houston, the Blog Has Landed!

Welcome to the relaunch of my personal website! Things are a bit bare currently (both stylistically and contentwise), but eventually I intend both to get my old blog posts up here as well as various new excursions into the written word.

For those who don't know me, hi! My name's Otto! I am an artist, musician, writer, online socialite, and aspiring full-stack web developer. I have and will continue to wear many hats because that is simply what intrigues me, and it's honestly fitting in the modern era, where this seems to be somewhat expected of us as a general rule.

I have a particular fixation with media and pop culture of all kinds, so it is likely that much of my output, as far as it concerns blogging, will center on these things, but it's also hard to make any sweeping proclamation about the future, so maybe it will come to pass that this space will develop into something entirely different from my initial assumption.

Whatever the case, it seems futile to try to define it now, so we'll just appreciate it as a space that is hopefully, for better or worse, always unapologetically "me". I also hope to simply try harder than I have in past attempts at throwing up a blog. I want this to be the kind of place that I can feel proud of linking to people. My writing skills have always been decent, but for whatever reason, I have never truly felt proud of any of my output in that arena. This blog should ideally represent a line drawn in the sand, any steps beyond which I hope are more fruitful than they have been in the past.

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